DJM Sealants, the experts in mastic application, possess profound insights into the full range of silicone products, providing an extensive selection of mastic options in various colors and textures for your choice. The skilled team at DJM Sealants has the capability to precisely match the silicone to the hues of your tiles, countertops, and other finishes, ensuring your project is completed flawlessly.

From initiating a brand-new endeavor to removing aged, mold-infested mastic and installing new, high-quality silicone, we cover every aspect. At DJM Sealants, our specialists in mastic offer professional recommendations on the optimal products for your specific project, along with tips for maintaining your silicone joints to avoid mold growth. This includes advice on promoting adequate airflow and identifying cleaning agents that should be avoided to prolong the life of your mastic for as long as possible.

Shown below is a selection of the silicone products we utilise, accompanied by color charts to provide you with an overview of the available silicone and mastic choices: